5 Easy Laundry Hacks to Make Your Clothes Last Longer and Smell Great
I am going to give you a few Easy Laundry Hacks in the next few minutes, but let me tell you first that one of these laundry hacks is life changing! Seriously. I have been obsessed with laundry hacks since I was 17. With two sons now grown, believe me I needed to be proficient at laundry.
I can tell you that I have tried every laundry detergent. I have made many versions of my own laundry detergent, and I have some semi-homemade laundery detergents that I have perfected recently. I will also be sharing some laundry hacks I got from some other laundry experts.
The first thing and maybe most important to me in a vein way is how good will my clothes smell. I want people to compliment how wonderful my clothes smell from a hand shake distance and I want them asking me what in the world smells so good if they hug me. If someone hugs me and doesn’t comment on how good my clothes smell then I feel like I have failed as a wife and a mother. LOL
I know I didn’t even mention if my laundry hacks get my clothes clean or not. Let me put your mind at ease, They do. If they didn’t I wouldn’t be writing this post.
Laundry Hack #5 Stripping
I recently started stripping. Wait, what?!?!? Noooo, not at the club. In my bathtub. No, wait again.
Laundry Hack #5 Stripping. We are stripping our Laundry. This little laundry secret freaked me out at first but now I am so happy to have found it. You can find the ingredients needed and a detailed instructions from House Beautiful here. Laundry Stripping is basically giving the fibers a chance to release all of the dirt and other icky stuff off of the fabric of your clothing, sheets, towels and fabric toys. I learned this hack from my friend Holli Mostella. Here are her very satisfying Instagram highlights for stripping. I feel like my bedding has never been cleaner for my family.
Laundry Hack #4 Borax
Laundry Hack #4 is not just any borax but 20 Mule Team Borax. I have used 20 Mule Team Borax in every load of my sons laundry since I started making them wear deodorant. One cup per load alongside my regular detergent that I am using at the time, whether it’s Tide or homemade. I always add 20 Mule Team Borax to a tough load of laundry. When Borax mixes with water, the molecules will convert to hydrogen peroxide to get deep in the fabric and wipe out smells and dirt. It’s all natural and acts as a water softener as well. It’s a simple laundry hack but it makes a difference. I found it better than oxy clean or any other laundry booster.
Laundry Hack #3 Smaller Loads
Laundry Hack #3 Hear me out… I know it’s a pain to do smaller loads and it seems like it shouldn’t matter either way but your clothes will smell better and get cleaner with a smaller load. I have tested this theory. If you worry about using to much water, my washer will automatically adjust the amount of water to the amount of laundry so that it is conserving water with each load rather than filling the entire tub.
Laundry Hack #2 Separation
Laundry hack #2 Separate your colors and your fabrics. I really do this! Like with like. I wash black and grey together, red and pink, jeans, towels and sheets. I never wash anything else with towels. I made the mistake of accidentally washing a towel with my black clothes recently and proved to myself why I continue to separate my laundry out. It really will help to keep your clothes wearable longer.
Truth bomb… I even wash everyone’s clothes separately because each member of my house has their own detergent. Don’t judge me. I told you up front that I am a tad obsessed with my laundry!
Laundry Hack #1 Mixed Detergent
So if you are done judging me for Laundry hack #2 then I will carry on with Laundry Hack #1 and explain why we each have our own detergent.
I have 2 adult sons that no I no longer do laundry for but my goodness did those sweaty gym clothes teach me a ton about how to make clothes smell good again.
Now it’s my husband Sean and his work clothes and his lounge wear. He is easy. He gets 3 Tide Pods in a mostly medium size load. He smells wonderful all the time!
Then there is Gigi my precious 2 year old daughter. Find my family description here if you are confused. LOL Yes my babies are 20 some years apart. She gets Dreft; however as of this writing Dreft has changed their smell and I am searching for someone to write to and beg for the original smell back. Please Dreft if you’re listening, I beg you to give me back my baby smell! I sometimes would use Dreft with my bras that of course I wash by themselves. I wash Gigi’s clothes with one full capful of Dreft in a usually small load and I always Pre treat any stains with her detergent for 10 minutes and a light scrub of the fabric.
Now this is the Laundry Hack that you have been waiting for. My laundry. I have painted kitchens for many years and I always sweat and I get dirty sliding around on floors, but I always smell good! My big secret is using very expensive Tyler Glamour Wash in French Market Detergent and mixing it 1 part to 3 parts with ALL Free and Clear to get the amazing smell and not compromising the clean for a load of clothing.
I switch up the more expensive laundry detergents every few months so that I don’t get tired of them. My favorite are Tyler’s Glamour Wash in French Market, Diva and High Maintenance and Sweet Grace from Bridgewater candles.
Let me know in the comments what your favorite laundry hacks are! I am always on the hunt to try new things!
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