How to Paint Pots for the 4th of July

My friends and I at the Handcrafted Society get inspiration from one theme and see how different all of our projects can be, and this one does not disappoint! Our theme was red, white, and blue paint.

Using and making over terracotta pots is one of my favorite things to do for so many reasons.

– There are so many fun ways to use them – They are inexpensive

– They are classic – You can use so many mediums to decorate them They just never get old to me!

I say all the time how embarrassingly easy some of my projects are and this one is in that category but they are so adorable that it makes up for it!

How To Paint TerraCotta Pots for the 4th of July

So, I did have something funny to show you though. I thought I would be really brilliant and paint free-handed red stripes on one of the pots.

Here is how that went… It looks more like circus inspired than 4th of July but guess what? It was an easy fix.

Solid red and a white tray. My inability to free hand is hidden. Even Gigi thought it wasn’t my best work.

Swipe up for the full tutorial!